Learning and Professional Development Task Force (LPTF)
Composition: Cathy Chapple and Michael Boni (Co-Chairs), Pierre Roscher (EC), Timoreta Gray (EC), Amy McDevitt, Firmansyah Purwanto, Matt Lee, Fernando Zikan, Lara Davis, Stephane Sobczak and Ingrid du Toit
To provide guidance and advice to the EC regarding the IFOMPT learning and professional development offerings to the wider physiotherapy community.
2025-2028 Charges
Objective 1: Explore the various learning and professional development opportunities that could be implemented with the current IFOMPT infrastructure (Learning Zone etc.).
Objective 2: Explore additional opportunities for IFOMPT to expand its educational offering to the wider Physiotherapy Community, and cost these future plans.
Objective 3: Develop and start to implement a short, medium and long term action plan to expand the IFOMPT learning and professional engagement opportunities
Objective 4: Develop a profit share policy (in consultation with the BFC and the EC that could be used to motivate course presenters to collaborate with IFOMPT on developing educational content for IFOMPT.
Communication and Reporting
The task force chair will be responsible for ensuring effective communication between the advisory group and the EC.
Working Methods
The task force will work remotely using email, video conferencing, online meeting platforms, or any other technology as needed to enable fair and reasonable consideration of any matters. All documents will be available to members in electronic format, information contained in documents is confidential to IFOMPT staff, the advisory group, and the EC.
Conflict of Interest
Members of the task force will comply with IFOMPT’s conflict of interest policy, and any other relevant policies, at all times. Members will declare any matters that may create a true or perceived conflict of interest or bias at the start of each meeting and at other times as required by policies.
Limitation on Powers
The task force cannot invite further individuals onto the task force without the specific agreement of the EC.