Constitutional Review Task Force – CRTF
Members: Dusty Quinn (Chair); Paolo Sanzo (EC), Ken Olson, Laura Finucane, Barbara Pantar, Pere Ramón Rodrígues, Clarice Rocha and Ingrid du Toit
Term and Term Limits: One year term until objectives are completed (proposed changes are to be submitted to the delegate assembly by January 2026 for review and discussion; voted on via a special meeting in March 2026; and, subsequently, implemented by April 2026).
Members must belong to a MO or RIG of IFOMPT but do not necessarily have to be the official delegate. Members must have knowledge of the IFOMPT and World Physiotherapy (WP) Constitution and experience with organisational leadership and governance.
Meetings: As required to fulfill the charges detailed below. Meetings will be held via teleconference or webinar with face-to-face meetings in conjunction with IFOMPT sanctioned conferences/meetings.
Purpose: To review, critique, and make recommendations to the EC on revision of the IFOMPT Constitution. Assist ED to develop consensus with Delegate Assembly prior to general meeting on the proposed constitutional revisions via different online forums to ensure transparency and good communication.
2025 Charges
Objective 1: Critically analyse, amend, modernise, and develop language to propose to the delegate assembly to update and revise the IFOMPT Constitution
- Analyse IFOMPT and WP constitutional requirements for membership;
- Analyse and assure compliance with WP subgroup constitutional requirements;
- Implement recommendations from past consultations, surveys, and online forums with internal and external stakeholders including initiatives of IFOMPT and committees, task forces, and working groupss);
- Modernise the Constitution to provide best practice governance for an international organisation; and
- Structure and modernise the language used in the Constitution to align with the financial management of an international organisation registered in New Zealand.
Objective 2: To work with the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) group and align recommendations with the constitution.
- Review suggestions and recommendations from EDI group.
- Assist with appropriate language for any proposed changes.
Responsible for ensuring the task force functions properly by:
- Coordinating the tasks of the group and prioritising the tasks;
- Planning and running meetings;
- Ensuring matters are dealt with in an orderly and efficient manner;
- Bringing impartiality and objectivity to the meetings and decision-making process; and
- Reporting to the IFOMPT EC on the activities of the task force.
- Actively participate in meetings;
- Follow up on agreed action points from meetings within the designated time-frames; and
- Provide input into the tasks and continue to develop the strategy.
Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest can arise when conditions or circumstances preclude or interfere with an individual’s capacity to make the objective, detached decisions required of the taskforce. Members shall excuse themselves from such participation in any case where a conflict of interest arises, where a potential conflict of interest may arise, or where there may be a perceived appearance of conflict.