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Home > Educational Standards and IM > Standards Document 2016
The Standards Document is the guideline document which IFOMPT provides for groups of Manual Therapists who wish to seek membership through the creation of a Post-Registration/Post-graduate education program in Neuro-Musculoskeletal Manual Therapy management. The programme must be submitted to the Standards Committee of IFOMPT for scrutiny before membership of that group can be considered.
The educational standards detail learning outcomes which guide towards standards of education acceptable to IFOMPT. They cover theoretical, practical and clinical knowledge applied to neuromuculoskeletal dysfunction in the spine and extremities, and provide the minimum requirements for IFOMPT membership. IFOMPT recognises that there will be differences in strengths and emphases in different orthopaedic manipulative physiotherapy (OMPT) courses around the world. These differences are necessary and encouraged by IFOMPT for the future development of OMPT. IFOMPT also recognises that differences will exist in methods and delivery of education in various countries. IFOMPT has a commitment to research and recognises the importance of evidence based OMPT diagnosis and practice. It fosters inquiry and encourages Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists' involvement in research.
The acceptance and implementation of the educational standards both theoretical and practical are a mandatory minimum requirement for countries seeking full membership of IFOMPT.
The Standards Document was revised and approved at the IFOMPT General Meeting in Glasgow in July 2016.
English Version: