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Home > IFOMPT Advisory Groups > Advisory Group on Membership Development
IFOMPT Advisory Group on Membership Development
Duncan Reid (Chair), Dusty Quinn (EC), Aline Miranda Ferreira (EC), Karen Beeton, Chris Showalter, Ina Diener, Ulysses Juntilla, Jason Ashby and Ingrid du Toit (Executive Director).
To facilitate the growth of IFOMPT across the world by providing assistance and resources to potential new members and by facilitating the evolution of membership from RIG status to AMO status to full MO status.
2023-2028 Charges
Objective 1: Identification of potential new countries. Proactively engage with groups eligible for membership, particularly in regions where IFOMPT membership is thin or non-existent (i.e., South and Central America, Asia, Africa, Baltic States). Approach these countries with an offer to assist them in becoming part of IFOMPT.
Objective 2: Assist current and prospective RIGs in their process of preparing to progress to AMO status, including assisting with organisational arrangements and support of curriculum development to support transition to AMO status.
Objective 3: Develop and maintain resources to support the development of RIGs towards AMO status, including resources related to the IFOMPT Educational Standards, development of their own constitution and code of conduct, and terms of reference for any required committees.
Objective 4: Develop the policy guidelines and proposed timelines, including assessment criteria for the route to become an AMO.
Communication and Reporting
The advisory group chair will be responsible for ensuring effective communication between the advisory group and the EC.
Working Methods
The advisory group will work remotely using email, video conferencing, online meeting platforms, or any other technology as needed to enable fair and reasonable consideration of any matters. All documents will be available to members in electronic format, information contained in documents is confidential to IFOMPT staff, the advisory group, and the EC.
Conflict of Interest
Members of the advisory group will comply with IFOMPT’s conflict of interest policy, and any other relevant policies, at all times. Members will declare any matters that may create a true or perceived conflict of interest or bias at the start of each meeting and at other times as required by policies.
Limitation on Powers
The advisory group cannot invite further individuals onto the task force without the specific agreement of the EC.