Executive Committee Advisory Groups
The Executive Committee (EC) may establish groups (Executive Committee Advisory Groups) and appoint their members:
- to advise or assist the EC in fulfilling the object and functions of the organisation;
- to advise or assist the EC in responding to directives from the Delegate Assembly;
- to implement association policies;
- and to fulfill Association goals and objectives.
All activities related to the recruitment, appointment, and work of EC Advisory Groups shall be effective, purposeful, accountable, transparent, collaborative, efficient, and inclusive.
EC Advisory Groups, subject to this policy include the following kinds of group:
- Committee:
Committees inform the EC’s decision-making on strategies, priorities, and core functions of the association, and they are established for long-term initiatives.
- Task Force:
Task forces inform the EC’s decision-making on emerging issues and initiatives, and they are established for short-to-mid-term initiatives.
c. Work Group:
Work Groups are established and appointed by either the EC or the President. They inform the EC’s decision-making on emerging issues and initiatives but have very focused objectives.
- Each EC-Advisory Group has the authority granted to it by constitution or the EC. The EC will direct and establish the priority of the work of EC Advisory Groups. Such groups will carry out the directions from the EC and will not direct but may inform the work of the EC.
- Terms of reference for each EC Advisory Group will be developed and approved by the EC with consultation with members of the group.
- EC Advisory Groups do not have authority to direct the work of association staff.
- EC Advisory Groups and their members have no authority to speak or act on behalf of the EC or to bind the association except to the extent specifically authorised by the Constitution or by the EC.
- EC Advisory Groups do not have authority to establish policy on behalf of the association or the EC.
- Reports from EC Advisory Groups to the EC will not be distributed or otherwise made available to members of the Association or to the public except with the President’s permission, which shall be given only after the EC has had opportunity to review and discuss the report.
- EC Advisory Groups may not offer endorsements of candidates.
- Unless otherwise specified in the association’s bylaws or policy, an EC member will serve as a member, chair, or liaison with each EC Advisory Group. However, no EC member will serve on the Elections Committee. The President shall have authority to select the chair of each EC Advisory Group based on the recommendations of the EC and other members of the appointed group.
- With the exception of the Elections Committee, the President shall be an ex-officio member of all EC Advisory Groups.
- The number of members on each group can vary, but the recommendation is 6-8 members in each group.
Recruitment and Appointment
- Any qualified member of an MO or RIG may volunteer to serve on the EC Advisory Groups.
- Volunteer nominations will be sought from the MO and RIG delegates and EC members.
- The EC shall select all appointees to EC Advisory Groups from volunteers from the IFOMPT MOs and RIGs.
- No single MO or RIG shall have more than 2 members on any EC Advisory Group.
- The length of a single term on an EC Advisory Group can be up to 3 years and members can serve up to 4 terms.
- The length of the terms may vary between groups dependent on the nature of the duties and tasks of the group.
- The EC has the right to remove any member from the appointed group who is not fulfilling the duties of membership of the group.
- Members of the group who have been removed from the group have the right to appeal to the EC for reconsideration of the removal decision within 90 days of notification of the removal.
- The President will select and appoint a replacement of an open position to complete the remainder of the term with consultation of the chair of the group and the EC.
October 2016